Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Makes Good Clean Drinking Water?

The Technology Used By Atmospheric Water Generators Creates Clean Drinking Water Everytime!

Clean, pure drinking water is needed throughout the world and is quickly becoming the most highly prized resource of all. However, 97% of the earth’s water is in the oceans. It is undrinkable and is unusable for most culinary and commercial purposes. Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh. Of this 3%, two-thirds is locked in glaciers and polar ice caps. Of the remaining 1%, about half is located beneath the earth’s surface.

Rivers and lakes contain approximately 1/50th of 1% of the earth’s water. A significant portion of this fraction has been contaminated by industrial civilization and much of the remaining “fresh water” is severely polluted or biologically contaminated. Unfortunately, this pollution has begun to reach our underground water as well. Continually, on any given day, more than half of the earth’s human population is ill, with the majority of these cases caused by waterborne contaminants.
The World Health Organization of the United Nations estimates that 80% of this illness is caused by contaminated drinking water. Many countries throughout the world, not just third world countries, have inadequate water treatment facilities or a complete lack of treatment facilities. It is becoming clear that new technologies are needed in every segment of the water treatment industry: agriculture, horticulture, food processing, industrial waste treatment, public water supplies and sewage treatment. These systems must be environmentally-friendly and rely on methods and processes that are not chemically based.

How It Works

International Water From Air, L.L.C. products are best described as atmospheric water generators. I.W.F.A. water generating machines use a revolutionary new technology that extracts, filters, treats and purifies water, all from the air we breathe, creating the cleanest, clearest and purest water prior to being chilled and dispensed. I.W.F.A. atmospheric water generators are made to the highest globally accepted manufacturing standards and surpass water quality standards.

The I.W.F.A., L.L.C. machine first pulls air through an electrostatic filter removing 93% of 1. all air born particles.

As the machine collects the water it drops into a collection tray and immediately 2. passes into Ultraviolet (UV) light, where the water stays in contact with UV rays for approximately 30 minutes. This kills over 90% of all germs and bacteria in the water.

The water is then pumped through a sediment screen into a 24 volt water pump, 3. and back through two solid carbon block 1 micron water filters, NSF 53 approved, which removes over 90% of any volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) that may be in the water.

It is also filtered through our proprietary Ultrafiltration (UF) membrane with a pore 4. size of 0.015 micron to remove virtually all bacteria and common viruses.

The water then goes through a half calcite, half GAC mineral additive where it is 5. then pumped into a reservoir tank.

From the reservoir tank the water is recycled every hour through the UV and back 6. into the reservoir tank.

The water is then chilled or heated and dispensed at the consumer’s convenience 7.

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